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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I have just had a softbox bought for me
but it came with no idiots guide with it
so I am having probs just tring to put it together.
I dont know how the rods fit .

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October 31, 2006


Justin G.
  That stinks.

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October 31, 2006


Denise A. Zabor
  I also had the same thing happen to me. After I was almost in tears. I finally got directions from the place I purchased the crazy thing from. Your soft box comes with a bracket that fits on the front of your stobe. Mine goes together first, then gets screwed on to my stobe. Set the black soft box material on the floor with white facing you. Insert bracket in center with screw mounts on the outside. Align seams to meet the place you will insert the tension rod into the bracket.Insert first rod into the bracket and bend rod slightly along seam to meet the little pocket at the end of the softbox material. Do not run rod through velcro strips if you have them. Do the next rod that is vertical to the one you just did. keep going until you have all rods in place. Its a little tricky. insert inside baffel material. Then velcro the outside screen. Then attach to strobe. Hope this helps anyone struggling.

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May 09, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  What Kind of soft box is it?
for what type of lights?
with out this info to try and help. we are at even more of a loss then you.
we'll try to help,
Debby Tabb

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May 09, 2007

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