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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

John P. Sandstedt

On Calibrating My Monitor

OK, so I've been editing my images for years, using PSE 1.0 and 4.0, Photoshop 66.0 and 7.0. So, you'd think I should have been smarter.

I have a 19-inch LCD monitor and tried to calibrate it using Adobe GAmma. This method worked well when I had a CRT but, as I found out, it's not to good with the LCD. Further, many folks say Adobe GAmma isn't a good calibration means for any monitor.

But, here's whatI did. I was making the adjustments and when the screen said Save, I failed to rename the profile and, I'm sure I overwrote the Adobe 1998 profile.

Anyone have any ideas about how to restore the default profile. Because, now, when I open a picture I edited some time time ago, the screen often shows something awful that prints as it did when I first created the file. If I adjust the image to make it look good on screen, the resulting print ususally is awful.

So, am I stuck? Do I delete the programs and the Adobe GAmma file from Control PAnel [if I can] and reload? Do I get a hardfware calibration system - say Spyder, etc.?

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October 30, 2006

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