BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Mário Ferreira

Code counter

I'm trying hard put a code counter in my gallery; cause i'm in dificulties with that , can someone help me?

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October 21, 2006


Nobu Nagase
Hey Mario,
I got your message yesterday and emailed back to you. Email me back with the info I asked. ~ nobi

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October 21, 2006


Mário Ferreira
  OK Nobi, tks

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October 21, 2006


Nobu Nagase

Instructions are sent to your way. Let me know how it worked out.

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October 21, 2006


Mário Ferreira
  All fine Nobi, with a master like you the job was easy...

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October 22, 2006

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