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Photography Question 

Michele N. Yamrick

Buyer Beware!

Anyone using backdrops in studio, please beware of the following website: When I ordered from them, what I ordered and what I GOT were two entirely different things, and I am still doing the 'trained poodle jumping through hoops' thing to get a refund.

No mention is made of the fact that these backdrops do NOT look like they appear on line, in particular their scenics line. A genuine image is on their site, but the product is an airbrushed rendering that is badly done to say the least. They charge top dollar, and none of the backdrops are made in USA, they all come from China.

I spent over $200 for two badly done scenics for holiday use, and I would advise ANY studio photographer to stay away from this one. Its a serious hassle to deal with them.

Buyer Beware!

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October 11, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  I just bought a couple of spare backgrounds from B&H in NY 10x12 muslin for about 60 bucks each. Not exactly heavy duty either but they work and the colors (black) and a kind of stone washed gray, were pretty close to the website photos. Depends on monitors too, I guess.

good luck getting your dough back. You could notify the site host that you've got a problem with one of their merchants and see if they'll intervene.
Take it light.

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October 11, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Ahh China. Give em' ten years to make enough from counterfeit knock offs and cheap imitations before they get to the point of making actual quality merchandise.

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October 11, 2006


Michele N. Yamrick
  You really want to hear the FUNNY part? They have a Better Business Bureau rating button on their site! So I used it. I reported their bad practices!

Never thought about the site host...thanks for the idea!

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October 12, 2006


Michele N. Yamrick
  Just a follow up here: I DID get a refund from these people finally, and it was handled very nicely. I still advise caution on dealing with them however, due to the problems I had in getting the refund. But, I DID get it, and all's well that ends well I guess.

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November 03, 2006

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