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Photography Question 

William Johnson

Image Sensor Cleaning

I have a Canon EOS 10D Camera which is need of an Image Sensor Clean. Has any one had any experience of this clean and is able to advise me what sucess they had, please.

Thank you, Bill Johnson

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October 03, 2006


David F. Dornberg
I've been cleaning my own sensor on my Canon 20D practically since I purchased the camera. I find that dust makes its way onto my CCD quite frequently and I clean my sensor whenever I notice the notorious black spots in my sky or in bright areas.

Here is a great link to a site that will give you step by step instructions on how to clean your sensor the proper way, so that you won't ruin it.

Once you get the hang of it, you may want to purchase a couple of other gadgets that will make you cleaning experience even easier. I'm purchased some cleaning supplies from Micro Tools and they have great prices and are very reputable too. Here is a link to their site.

I purchased the Optivisor, loupe and visor light and this made a world of difference when trying to see the dust on my sensor.

Good luck!


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October 22, 2006


William Johnson
  Hi Dave, Thank you very much for the infomation you sent ref Image Cleaning. I have found it (and the whole site) very useful. I haven't tried to purchase any of the equipment yet here in the UK, but may well have a go if I can.

Regards and thanks again, Bill Johnson.

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October 23, 2006


Pete H
  Hello Bill,

I've cleaned my sensor at least 5 times.
It isn't difficult; but it can be exasperating.

The products Dave mentions are excellent.

You'll find one "swipe" at the sensor may not be enough. Go at it slowly, don't rush, and try to work in a area free of moving air currents.

The biggest problem I had was difficulty getting the dust off the edges of the is do-able, but takes patience. The center of the sensor is easy to clean..not so the edges as the "swipe" pressure is minimal at the end of the stroke.

Preventive measures are most helpful to avoid frequent cleaning.
The rear of the lens is a major culprit of dust. If it is dusty; every time the mirror slaps, it dislodges with every change of a lens, I blow the dust from that part of the lens prior to putting it on the camera.

All the best,


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October 23, 2006


William Johnson
  Thank you very much too Pete. It seems CARE is the care word as regards Sensor cleaning.

Thanks again for taking the trouble to reply,


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October 23, 2006


Andrea Molina
  I use the visible dust brushes and cleaning products, they do a magnificent job. Their products were recommended to me by several professionals, and I am glad I learned to do it myself. I was scacred at first, but then I realized that NO ONE will treat a camera with as much TLC as it's owner :) I got everything from I am not in any way affiliated with the company....honest testimony here. Can be pricey!


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March 23, 2007


William Johnson
  Hi, Dave Pete and Andrea, The you very much for taking the trouble to respond to my query ref: Image Sensor Cleaning. Since posting the query in October 2006, I managed to persuade a certain person, (My Wife) to get me a couple of item to aid me.

1) GREEN CLEAN Sensor Cleaning System


Using these items has proved to be successfull (Although only needed to be used once so far) luckely.

Once again Thank you very much for your help.

Bill J.

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March 26, 2007


Kix Pix
  The better tested and developed products come from cooper hill images. Tried and tested and made by actual photographers. Addtionally, the products are very cost effective when compared to visible dust.

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April 14, 2007


William Johnson
  Thank you for our helpful responce Kix Pix. As previously said in an earlier responce, I have been successful using the Green Clean and Gioto products, but will keep your suggestion in mind for any future problem. Bill J.

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April 15, 2007

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