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Photography Question 
- Larry A. Cameron

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Problem with 2x canon extender

I resently bought the Canon Extender EF 2x II. The manual says it will auto focus, but it will not do so. I found almost inpossible to manual focus. All my pictures are out of focus. Has anyone else had this problem with this extender. Should I buy the 1.4x.

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September 24, 2006


Samuel Smith
  hey larry,
it will autofocus with the right lens and right light.
mine on my 70-300 f4-5.6 will auto focus at 70,after that the amount of light my lens lets in drops off and it starts kinda searching.after 150mm,no.
now in manual focus,gets a little handholding and for best results use a remote release,or timer, on a tripod.bump your iso up until you get acceptable shots.
ya might want to use aperture priority or even full manual for your settings.
your losing light so your camera is setting a slower shutter if your up around 500-600mm,any camera movement or shake will be magnified.

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September 24, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  You using it on a Canon lens or sigma?

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September 25, 2006


Ed Wenger
  Larry: I think that if you look at the fine print of your instructions, it will say that this extender will auto focus only at F-Stop 4.0 or lower.

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September 25, 2006


Jon Close
  With what camera and lens are you using it? The 2x teleconverter effectively reduces the maximum aperture by 2 stops. With 1v, and 3 film cameras, and 1-series digitals, autofocus is possible only if the lens + TC combination has maximum aperture of f/8 or larger (ie. f/4 or larger lens). With all other EOS bodies the limit is f/5.6, so AF is not possible unless your lens is f/2.8 or larger.

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September 25, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  One thing I found with using it is that you can get heat distortion, depending on how far away something is, when using it on long lenses. The heat waves you see coming up from the ground on hot days, since you have more telephoto compression, can make a picture have no point of focus.
It may take more practice with manual focus. Depth of field gets shallower with it on, so focusing is more critical.

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September 25, 2006

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