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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Tom Roe

Dirty Lens

What is recomemded that I do to clean my lens??? Dust, Fingerprints, dirt....

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September 23, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  You'll need lens cleaner, lens tissue, a blower brush of some kind or a can of environmentally friendly compressed air is handy, and a light touch. This works for glass filters as well btw. AND don't use glass cleaner like Windex. It has ammonia that may harm your lens coatings. My own preference is to use ROR (Residual Oil Remover) available from in NY. Good stuff.

Blow off the loose chunks and use the brush to remove anything else on the surface like bigger chunks of stuff or sand, etc.

For smudges, prints, etc., apply lens cleaner to the tissue, never directly to the lens and gently (and I mean really gently) rub the tissue in a circular motion on the glass from the center out to the edges, then take a dry tissue and do it again until all residual cleaner is gone. Treat the rear lens element the same way, blow out the lens caps, and happy motoring. ;>)

Sometimes Tom, when a lens gets really dirty, say shooting in a sandstorm without protection (on the lens as opposed to you) you may find that particulate matter somewhow worked its way past the front or rear elements and into the lens barell. You may either see it just by looking through the back of the lens into a strong light or feel it grinding somewhat when you focus. At that point, I'd send the lens into a shop for a cleaning, lube and any other adjustments before any damage sets in. (CLA) For that I recommend

Okie dokie?
Take it light.

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September 23, 2006


Tom Roe
  Thanks Mark....that was a big help...

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September 23, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  You're welcome Tom. Any time. ;>)

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September 23, 2006

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