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Photography Question 

Nolan Evans

Canon EOS 300D - cant take pics in autofocus mode

everything was working fine with my eos 300d until last night. while using the kit lens, after about 1 hour of shooting photos at a dance, the camera stopped taking pictures. it would act as if I was trying to take a picture with the lens cap on, and it cant focus because the object is too close - even though it wasnt. If I held down on the shutter release button, the camera would try to focus (it would move the focus ring one way, and then back the other way. then it would stop and just pretend that I was no longer holding down the shutter release button.) one thing that I noticed was odd is that the exposure meter was constantly telling me if the exposure was correct. This was odd because it normally only does that when I have the shutter release button halfway pressed (into the autofocus lock), but it was displaing the exposure meter even when I was not touching the shutter release button. I tried switching the lens to the manual focus mode. I was able to take pictures when manualy focusing. I know that this is a problem with my EOS 300D body, and not the lens, because I switched to my canon 70-300mm IS lens, and I still had the same problem taking pictures in autofocus mode.

Has anyone had this same problem? Does anyone know of a solution?

Help would be very much appreciated.



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September 17, 2006


Mike Rubin
  I have a 300d and never experienced this. since it seems to have happened suddenly Have you tried taking the battery out for about 30 secs. Then trying it. What mode were you in and did you try other modes to see if it is isolated to a certian mode.

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September 17, 2006


Nolan Evans
  i was in manual mode, but it didn't make a difference when I tried other modes. I already tried taking the battery out for an hour and it didn't fix my problem...

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September 17, 2006


Mike Rubin
  Try reloading the firmware and see if it makes a diference, maybe it got corrupted? You can download the firmware from Canon

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September 17, 2006


Bob Chance
  Nolan, I agree with Mikes suggestion about the firmware. I know I had a similar problem with my 20D when I first got it.
I downloaded the revised firmware from Canons website, followed the intstructions and upgraded the firmware in the camera. Real easy and simple to follow instructions. Haven't experienced that problem since, except on the occassions when there is not enough contrast for the selected focus point to focus on.

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September 17, 2006

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