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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Rachel Larson

memory card error

Any advice?
I have a huge problem....I just shot a wedding on a 2GB cf card. Everything went fine untill the next day when I was transtering images from my card reader onto my computer. I got nearly 400 images successfully transfered, when it read an error. Now, the card dosen't read at all in my camera. I lost about 130 images. (The cake cutting, first dance, etc.)

The card wasn't accidently deleted or reformated. I have scanned the card with a program called PC Inspector with an error code 13 as the result, and only 395 images were found.

Can anyone give me any advice as what to do next? I'm desperate and panicing.

Thank you,

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September 13, 2006


Erin Tyler
  I don't know if this will help your situation, but there are retrieval programs for camera cards. Until you have reformatted your card, it may still be possible to get those off, even if they don't show up on the camera.

I accidentally deleted a whole card thinking my DH had already downloaded the pics. He was able to get a photo back (the one he needed), and he could have gotten the rest of them, but he wsa too cheap to buy the whole program, lol.

((hugs)) I hope you can figure it out.

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September 13, 2006


anonymous A.
  Oh, Dear, Rachel! Try
It is supposed to be the best and you can download the software, scan your card and then pay for the software only if it finds and can recover your pictures.

I have had excellent results with Avira Unerase Personal which is free for personal and non-commercial use:
Good luck.

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September 14, 2006


Rachel Larson
  Thanks for the responses.

The card was a 2GB card. I used PC Inspector on it and only recovered the 395 images that I had already successfully transfered to my hard drive.

So now my question I bother spending up to $400 to have the card recovered when there is a very good possiblity that the same images that I already have will be the only ones recovered?

Still in a state of panic,

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September 14, 2006


anonymous A.
  In the words of Douglas Adams: "Don't Panic!" ... don't lay out the $400 either. The software I suggested is free in the case of Avira so it won't cost anything to try and get the photos back.
The other alternative will scan your card, and report the pictures it can find. If the ones you wanted are there, then you can pay a fee to get them back ~ no recocvery, no charge.

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September 14, 2006

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