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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Rowena Curtis

d-50 menu question

Hi. New to dslr and d-50. The manual says that some menus may contain multiple pages. How do I get to the next page? For example, when I go to the tool area the camera only shows the items from format to USB. After that it goes back to format and I do not see folders, file no. seq., mirror lock-up, dust ref photo, etc as it shows on pg 27 in the manual. Am I supposed to press another button to get to the next page?

Thanks for any help.

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August 25, 2006


Pete H
  You use the "navigation wheel" and push to the right for the menu sub pages.


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August 25, 2006


Rowena Curtis
  Thanks Pete for your reply but I did know how to get to the sub menu, couldn't get beyond that to next pages... hubby figured it out for me, the CSM/Set-Up menu had to be turned on.

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August 25, 2006

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