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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

New Camera Problem

I got a new camera a Konica Minolta DiMage Z6 as a gift and I am having the worst time trying to learn to use it. I have read the book, played with it for hours, even had all my friends work with it to figure it out. I will get one good pic (by accident I am sure) and 50 bad ones. The lighting is off, the antishake is on but the photos are blurry. I needed a camera I could take very close up pics. It says you can take macros with it but I zoom in and the pic is blurry...can anyone help me? It is a beautiful camera and I would love to become a pro at using it. Thanks, Marianne

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August 22, 2006


Samuel Smith
  having any better luck there marianne?
in lower light or low light your camera is going to set a slower shutter speed and even anti-shake may not be enough to give you sharp pics.
tha macro setting on my camera is not like a macro lens.all it does is set a smaller f/stop (aperture) so that just a few inches are in sharp focus.and if your physically too close it won't focus at all,check for your minimum focusing distance.
and handheld?anti-shake is not a savior,just an assistant.where one person may be able to shoot handheld at 1/30th, another may need 1/250th.
then you throw in your metering system and which sensor is picking the focus point and arrrgh.
just a few things I thought of since what I read were just the cliff notes version.
good luck,sam

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August 25, 2006


Ariel Lepor
  You should talk to professionals in-person who can show you how you are supposed to photograph, like how to hold and set the camera, and to Z6 owners on how to specifically use this camera.

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August 25, 2006


Samuel Smith
  you could have said that 3 days ago?
disclaimer: humor intended,may contain sarcastic remarks.
I was just checking the thread and that was my first thought.but I was laughing.
ready ariel?
insinuated I wasn't a pro.ya got that one right.
i'm still laughing ariel.
oh well,any good news marianne?

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August 25, 2006


Ariel Lepor
  Hi, Samuel. :)

I said in person. :)

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August 26, 2006


Samuel Smith

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August 27, 2006

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