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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Tami Jo Gramont

RAW grit

I'm not sure why but my RAW images are gritty looking. Pixalated or noisy. I can remove the noise, but I want to know what is causing it. Could it be my telephoto lens? A poor quality lens? Or is it some setting like RAW/jpeg in a Canon 30D? Oh, I don't even know what to ask, really. I'd be grateful for any ideas.

A confused thanks in advance.

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August 21, 2006


Jon Canfield
  Hi Tami -

Can you email one of your RAW files to me to take a look at? Because of size, you may need to use something like

A couple of questions though -
Is this happening with all images, or only certain types - it's not unusual if you're increasing the exposure by a couple of stops to see something like this.
What converter are you using?


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September 30, 2006

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