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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


How can I get my lenses to hyperfocal distance when there are no markings on the lense?

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August 14, 2006


Samuel Smith
  use an aperture like f16 or f22 and up,sam

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August 14, 2006


Bob Chance
  HI Tim:

This has been a controversial subject for some time. Seems since things went digital, camera manufacturers have dropped the oft depended on DOF scale from most of their lenses.
There is however, a formula for calculating hyperfocal distance of any lens. You can find the formula and handy on-line calculator at this site:

On the same site are formulas for calculating aperature value for a specific DOF for a given focal length and focus distance.

There are charts and slide scales out there, but I've read from a lot of people that they aren't too accurate.

I don't know how accurate the formula is on this site, I haven't tested it myself. But like you, I miss the scale engravings on the lens barrel. Evidently since everything is electronic these days, I guess camera manufacturers don't think there are any users out there with enough brains to know how to use the scale and would rather rely on DOF preview or some sort of AUTO DOF provided by the camera.

Good luck, Bob

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August 14, 2006

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