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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Lisa Sherwood

It's blurry when I look through the lens, Help!

Hi, I shoot with a Nikon D70, this past wek I have noticed that when I look through my lens I see blur, I have it on Auto Focus and when I sanp the shot it comes out clear, I thought it was maybe my eyes until I had a couple others look into th lens?
Is something wrong with my camera or maybe I have something programed wrong, please help!

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August 11, 2006


Terry R. Hatfield
  You Need To Adjust The Diopter For Your Eye, It Must Have Gotten Moved By Accident. Remove The Rubber Eyepiece And Let The Camera Auto Focus On A Subject, Then Slide The Little Bar On The Right Side Until The Subject Is Clear:-)

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August 11, 2006


Lisa Sherwood
  Oh, Thank you - thank you :)

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August 12, 2006

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