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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Combining Backdrops

At work, we currently have one 10'x20' mottled blue backdrop. We now have to accomodate a large family in a shoot, so we ordered another exactly like the only we have. we could lay it as a floor piece, but we'd like to get more width. Any thoughts on cutting the new backdrop into 2 - 5'x20'pieces and attaching one piece to each side of the existing backdrop (giving 5' extra width and heighth)? The mottled pattern is constant throughout - so no visible "center" of the backdrop to worry about.


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January 12, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
WOW, It would be hard for me to cut up a nice background like that. I have had to do similar shots before and I went to the hardware store and bought electrical conduit which is about 1.5" in diameter, comes in 10' length, and is tapered at one end so it can be plugged into another conduit. I then placed that 20' conduit pole on two Century Stands, which are very heavy duty stands used in the film industry. One on each end can support the weight. I also placed sandbags on the legs of each stand. I then clamped the canvas to the pole and raised it up until I had about 1-2' remaining on the floor to create a sweep. I then laid out the other canvas across the floor, and moved it under that sweep from the hanging canvas, so it swept across the floor canvas. This created almost a seamless curve behind the subjects and any little edges that showed up were easy to retouch. Good Luck!

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January 13, 2005

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