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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 


Shutter is Stuck on My Nikon

I have a Nikon FG which I bought used. It has worked very well until this past Fall when I released the shutter and it STUCK OPEN. Nothing I do can get it closed. I will tell you I think I had accidentally knocked it onto a very slow shutter speed (possibly even B) before I took the shot. But, again, nothing I do is releasing it. Do you think it's broken or do you think there is something I can do to fix it myself?

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January 01, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Did you try changing the batteries?
This happened to me once with an old Nikon FE, and I put in fresh batteries and all was well.

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January 01, 2005


Mark V. Fedkin
  Once I had exactly the same thing with my Pentax ME. The shutter got stuck while I shot at 1/125. After a few gentle and unsuccessful attempts to flip the mirror back down, I took the camera to a camera shop for repairs. They fixed it quickly, but had to re-calibrate the shutter speed scale. It might be related to an accidental electronic failure. No problem since then.

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January 05, 2005

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