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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

John Foutch

Taking pictures in the rain

Does anyone know if someone makes a plastic "bag" that covers the camera body and allows the lens to stick through so you can take pictures in the rain without getting your camera wet?

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August 01, 2004


Steve McCroskey
  Hi John!
Check out,they carry some accessories that will protect cameras in wet weather!!
Your local camera shop might carry protective gear!
In an emergency I have made my own with a zip-lock bag!

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August 01, 2004


Steve McCroskey
  Hi John!
Have you found any protective accessories yet?

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August 13, 2004


  Try this:

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August 13, 2004


John Foutch
  Hi Andy and Steve,

I just ordered a cover from photosharp. It looks just like what I had in mind.

Thanks for your help .... John

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August 13, 2004

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