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Photography Question 

Arunan Chandravarkar

How can I use 52 mm filter sizes lens in D70

I own a Nikon FM10 and a set of lenses. Now, I am planning to buy a Nikon D70. I wonder If I can use all my old lenses whose filter sizes are 52 mm, in D70 whose filter size is 50 mm. Is there any adaptor so that I can use all my lenses? How much they cost?

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July 27, 2004


Steve McCroskey
  Hi Arunan!
There are adapters available that might usable for your situation.
They are called step-down adapters,which allow for the use of larger size filters on smaller lenses!Check with a camera dealer in your area to see if they are available,somtimes they are a special order item!
I do not know if they will allow for the use of different size lenses,if that is what you need.

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July 27, 2004


  If you have a larger filter and want to use it on a smaller lens, you need to use a step-up ring. A step-down ring if the lens diameter is larger than the filter's. It usually costs about $10 or less. However, I don't see any Nikon lens that has a 50mm diameter. Are you confused about the focal length and the diameter of the lens?

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July 27, 2004


Arunan Chandravarkar
  Well, I saw in Advt that D70 has 50mm diameter. Was I confused with the focal lenght? I am not sure.. Anyway thanks Steve and Andy for suggestions.

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July 27, 2004

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