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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Recurring dust

I recently bought a Canon EOS Rebel Ti. The second day I had it, I noticed a speck of dust when I looked through the viewfinder. Sure enough, when I took off the lens there was dust on the little viewing window inside. I used a blower brush to clean it out and put the lens back on. There was nothing in the viewfinder when I put it in my dresser drawer. The next day I took it out and when I looked through the viewfinder there was dust again! I live in northern Minnesota, far from any sand, there's no pollen floating through the air, and I'm not doing any work on my house that would create dust. There shouldn't be dust in my camera every single day. Does this means there's something wrong with my lens or a seal somewhere? Or is there anything I can do to solve my problem without shipping it all the way to New York for warranty service? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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June 20, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Put some silica gel where you store your camera. Its cheap and store your Canon in a much more dry and zero humidity place.

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June 21, 2004

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