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Photography Question 

Alan Kirkpatrick

Effect of lens on Canon autofocus?

Will a faster lens have any effect on autofocus operation? How about if the autofocus is set to only the center spot.

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June 19, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  faster lenses makes it easier and quicker to lock on.

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June 19, 2004


Alan Kirkpatrick
  The autofocus must be operating during the time when the button is depressed halfway, while the aperture is still wide open? But how much area of the lens does the autofocus use if it's only reading the center spot? Wouldn't an f/4 be just as good as an f/2.8? Where is the autofocus mechanism located in the camera?

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June 20, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Autofocus is in the camera body and it needs a lens with a maximum aperture of f/8 to work. What you see as the focusing points are the focusing area. I doubt if you'll notice that much difference between a f/2.8 and a f/4 lens.

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June 21, 2004


Alan Kirkpatrick
  Is it located on the prism/viewfinder? Is there separate photosensors located there for each of the 7 autofocus locations in a Canon camera? How does it work?

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June 21, 2004

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