BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Tips for Taking Wedding Photos

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Take Outdoor Wedding Photos?

I am shooting an outdoor wedding on the beach with little or no shade. The wedding itself will be at 7:00 in evening but most of the pictures will be around 5:00 pm. Can you give me any guidance on how I should accommodate for the harsh lighting? I have a Canon Rebel with Vivitar 283 flash and Nikon N80, but I do not have the dedicated flash. Should I focus mainly on fill flash? Typically, when I have done indoor weddings, I have used 400 ISO and set the camera to 200 ISO to overexpose it one stop. Should I continue to do this for the outdoor pictures as well? Also, I would like to shoot at least one roll of B/W film, should I do anything different to accommodate for B/W film? Any suggestions that you can offer would be wonderful! Thanks!

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July 13, 2004


  Yes, rate your 400 speed film the way you have before. I go -2/3 (250) stop, but if -1 works for you, use it. Then for outdoors, set your flash for 1 stop below your meter for fill. This should almost eliminate any shadows on the subjects.

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July 13, 2004

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