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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


My Lens Moves Around in the Mount

Is it common for a lens to "move around" in the lens mount a small amount? This only seems to happen with my 28-80 Sigma lens in my Canon EOS Rebel GII and doesn't with my Sigma 70-300 lens.

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April 03, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  I noticed this once with one of my Nikons, and found out that the lens mount on the camera body was loose. I tightened the screws that attach it, and fixed the problem. Maybe the mount on your 28-80 has a few loose screws.

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April 03, 2004


Steve Somloi
  I have a Canon Elan 7e. My Sigma 135-400 does have a slight amount of wiggle if I twist it, while my Canon 28-135 does not. I'm guessing it's simply a tolerance issue with a third party making the lens. I'm sure they could tighten it up, but for the money saved over a similar Canon lens, I'm extremely happy with the performance.

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April 07, 2004

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