BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Betsy Drew

Good Candid Photos

I'm compiling a tip sheet on candid photography and asking for help from the experts. How important is learning how to take a good candid? And what's in your bag of tricks for good candid photography? Thanks!

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January 18, 2004


  I love to photograph children. Great places to get natural shots that can be incredibly expressive would be at parks, schools, sports events, zoos, gymnastics, judo, ballet,and music classes, skateboard parks, and just about anywhere else kids hang out. I always try to ask permission first and find groups quite willing to allow me to practice being a better photographer by using them as subjects.
I use the same type of approach when photographing adults, animals, and community events.

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January 18, 2004

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