BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Studio Flash

Hi - need help to do a college assignment - a self portrait - yuck! have the college lights (bowen 500) one with reflector the other with umbrella. Pretty fundamental question but hope you won't think me too stupid! Do I decide on the light I want with the modelling lights, then take a flash reading and up or down the power to get to the result I want??!!! Also trying to do a multiple exposure portrait of me in different parts of picture - if I want 4 images do I reduce the fstop x4 or is it more complicated - yours grasping at straws Liz

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January 18, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Modeling lights let you see where and how the shadows look at different angles. And if they're adjustable modeling lights, let you see light balance. But they're not bright enough that you need to change the exposure when you take a flash reading.
The general way of doing 4 multi's is to under expose 2 f-stops. But with 4 you may end up with the background being to prevalant and your image being too faint. So you may get a better picture if you keep the background black and under expose your image by no more than 1&1/2 stops, and keep your images as seperate as possible.

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January 18, 2004

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