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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Joe Terni

Small white spots on prints

I have tried both cheap and expensive developement for colour film.Ditto for film brand.I have used different ASA,but nearly always I am getting some small white spots(and many sometimes) on the print.More obvious in large blue sky or river/ocean sections of prints .Of course when blown up to computer screen size,they are very obvious and make the pics look pretty poor.The lens is clean,even though the camera is old.I realy feel I am being driven to digital,unless I can sort this problem out...any help please would be most appreciated....Joe

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January 07, 2004


Chris D. Saxton
  Joe, you said the camera was old but not what kind. Im guessing though that it has a fabric shutter that has developed a hole that is letting light leak onto the film. A good camera shop should be able to fix it.

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January 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  That could be it. See if the spot is at the same place each time.

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January 07, 2004


Joe Terni
  Many thanks Chris,I reckon you could be spot on (no pun intended!).I feel a bit out of date using my 32 year old Cannon FTb,(QL),but have only taken up a real interest again in photography in the last 6 months.I know a chap who dose work on older Cannons locally and will take it to him.I think you could be right,many thanks and will let you know if it is the fabric shutter,Best regards,Joe(in Australia).

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January 07, 2004

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