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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Jeff Gabhert

Minolta IV F light meter for dummies

I have an older medium format camera without a built in light meter, so I purchased a used Minolta IV F light meter but don't have a clue how to use it. To take a landscape photo what do I do. I have never used a light meter before. Do I just point it at the scene and hit the button with the diffuser on or off? Any info or help would be really appreciated

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January 07, 2004


Jon Close
  When all else fails, read the instructions. Minolta user manuals are available for free download at

(or go to, hold the cursor over "Cameras + Accessories", then click on "Support," then click on "Manuals.")

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January 07, 2004


Jeff Gabhert
  I have downloaded the manual and read it but am not really understanding it. It kinda makes sense for portraits but not rally for landscapes. Oh yaeh did I fail to mention I am a bit of a dumb-ass.

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January 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  That mean you have to change the title of the question?

Hold the meter, with the diffuser on, out away from you (dosen't have to be out all the way) so that the diffuser is facing back at you, and you're standing the same way that you're going to be taking the picture.

you're facing north, you hold up the meter, the diffuser is facing back at you.

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January 07, 2004

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