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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Piper Lehman

Shooting marathon runners

Hello all! I'm very excited. I was just invited to shoot for the Dallas White Rock Marathon race results book on Dec 15 this year. I would appreciate any suggestions any of you might want to offer in regard to lens choice, film, and anything else you can think of. The race will start at 8am and end at 2pm. Provia 100F is my staple film, but any ideas you have on creative alternatives would be greatly appreciated.


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November 10, 2002


Leo Enriquez
  Just as an insight!...

Take pics from eye level when runners are ready to leave the start the same time on ground level (going lower and seeing like an ant does, catching ground and runners and advertising!...As well as the whole pack gathered at the start line ready to leave but from a higher level!...A most in the finish line taking dramatic close ups from the runners, close ups, semi close ups and not so semis!...

Take in mind that some of those pics could look better and will take more dramatic effect if are turned in B&W!...Keep your mind open to those possibilites!...

Good shooting, and have fun!...

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November 11, 2002


Piper Lehman
  Hey! Thanks for the ideas. I like the ant's-eye-view suggestion. It looks like I'm to be staked out at the finish line for the book, but I'll have the entire race to get other shots.

Thanks for the ideas!

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November 11, 2002

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