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BetterPhoto Member

Flash Compatability

For three years I have successfully used a Centon ringflash with my Nikon F50 camera, for some still life shots and using it as a general flash source. I recently purchased a nikon D100 digital camera which is out of this world for quality and control. However, I cannot use the Cento ringflash with it - the camera shutter release simply locks all the time. I've been through the D100 manual from top to bottom and tried every camera setting and menu setting combination I can think of (and a few that I can't!!). Nikon assure me that the D100 should accept non Nikon branded accessories such as the Centon flash (though would prefer to sell me their own brand at four times the price!!).
Has anyone used this combination and am I missing something obvious in terms of settings etc?
This one is driving me mad and any help would be gratefully accepted.
Kind regards
Rick Saunders

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February 23, 2004


Jon Close
  The D100, like other digital SLRs, cannot measure and control flash exposure with open-shutter off-the-film TTL. For "TTL" exposure control it requires a flash compatible with firing a low-power pre-flash measured by the matrix meter while the mirror is still down. Alternatively, the D100 (and other digital SLRs) can be used with non-dedicated flashes that have their own built in sensor, or with flashes that can be used in a full manual mode (fired full power and controlling exposure by setting the aperture manually).

I don't have any information on your Centon ring flash, but it is probably TTL for traditional film cameras. Does it have a manual setting?

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February 23, 2004

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