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Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Michelle M. Gumina

Photoshop Elements

I have recently purchased Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0. I was reading the course outline offered for Photoshop and noticed that 7.0 was needed. Do I have to have 7.0 or will 2.0 be suffice?

Let me know,

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February 11, 2004


Dan Throckmorton
I use Photoshop Elements 2.0 for my photo editing. It is a user friendly limited edition of Photoshop. It is geared only for doing photo work, it does not have the capabilities of the full blown 7.0 version for graphic work. I don't know what course you are looking into taking and why. If they specificlly stated 7.0 then that I am sure that is what they mean but be prepared it is going to cost you! If you are only interested in using it for photo editing then Elements should be sufficient for your needs. Hope this helps.

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February 11, 2004


Michelle M. Gumina
  Thanks Dan for the tip. I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed with the program. There is just so much I can do. The problem is learning how to work the program. I was looking into a course to help me learn how to use the program the hands on way rather than having to read through all the technical instructions offered in the book. Really, it gives me a headache!! Thanks, for the input.

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February 13, 2004


RoxAnne E. Franklin
I think, I could be wrong, but I think that Jim's course on is for all Photoshop versions. Check out the info on his course. I was thinking of taking it next time around as I have taught myself most of the tools and would like to learn more. I too use elements 2.0.
Check out his course.
happy shooting!

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February 17, 2004


  Michelle, you are not alone in the confusion with Photoshop Elements. I teach a introductory course in PSE at 5 schools in Connecticut and my classes are always full and some have waiting lists. Elements is much more user freindly than Photoshop 7.0. The problem is that they both are unlike other computer programs that most people have experience with. Plus until you actually see the program in action you don't know what to expect from it. Look to your local community college for a hands-on course. Pass on the lecture courses, unless you get hands on experience you won't gain much.

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February 17, 2004


Gregg Vieregge
  I started with Elements One, and Elements Two. I now use Photoshop7. I would never have been able too understand 7 had I not started wuth Elements. I went to Adobe's web page and after registering the software they offered to send me a book at no cost. I received the book and it was helpful. The best way to learn Photoshop is by trial and error and just playing with it. I feel Elements does 85% of 7 and is user friendly. I would not get discouraged but continue with Elements. Many of the monthly magazines such as Shutterbug and Rangefinder offer articles with step by step instructions for new ideas. Stay with it. Now that Photoshop 8 CS is out many things will continue to change

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February 17, 2004

- Carol Marsh

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carol Marsh
Carol Marsh's Gallery

I have Photoshop 2.and find it easier to use than 7. I took a private class in Photoshop 7 and almost lost my mind. It was just too difficult for me. I purchased a book called "Photoshop Elements 2 solutions" by Mikkel Aaland. It is very user friendly. Hope this helps.

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February 17, 2004

- Greg McCroskery

BetterPhoto Member
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Greg McCroskery's Gallery
I don't want to clutter the air, but another good book for Elements is "Adobe Photoshop Elements -- a Visual Introduction to Digital Imaging".
It's a very user friendly book.
God Bless,

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February 18, 2004


Wing Wong
  PS elements 2.0 has most of the basic features one would want or need to do photo related work in PS. The thing about elements is that the functions are all wrapped in easier to use and simplified interfaces.

With PS(full version), you get the ability to adjust the curves more directly and to have access to each of the color channels as a layer you can manipulate. You also have access to scripted functions as well as CYMK manipulation of images. Granted, most of that isn't required for basic editing, but I find that I miss it alot.

I'm a current user of PS Elements 2.0 as I have yet to save cash for PS CS. :) I used to use PS 3.0/4.0/5.0/and 6.0 while in school and really liked it.

If you crave some of the more in-depth color channel editing and/or more detailed curves tools to adjust exposure and colors, you can try other lower cost software packages like PaintShopPro, Gimp, and Cinepaint. The last 2 being opensource and free for download and use.

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February 18, 2004


Burl G. Anderson
  If you want some of the more advanced features 7.0 has but save several hundred $ try "Hidden Power of Photoshop Elemnts 2" by Richard Lynch.
The book comes with a CD and will allow you to seperate color and tone, use curves, and gives a lot of detailed information taking you very deep into image correction. Borders list price 40.00 but I got it for 20% off.

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March 04, 2004 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi Michelle,

Roxanne is right. You may already know this, but there are two products - Photoshop full version which costs about $600, and Elements. If you are using the full version, you would want version 7 or CS. If you have Elements, version 2.0 is the most recent version.

For my Photoshop class (Photoshop for Photographers), you can use Elements 1.0 or 2.0, as well as Photoshop 6, 7, or CS. If you saw something about version 7 being required, you might have been looking at a different class... perhaps one of Lewis Kemper's classes.

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March 07, 2004


Richard Lynch
  Burl, thanks for the mention. Many people will be surprised what Elements can do using the right techniques and tools. my book comes with the tools to help you make Elements match up very well to Photoshop, without compromise. Please have a look at the book (, and ask me if you have any questions. Check out my new Photoshop Elements Workflow course here at I look forward to helping people discover what it can do!

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March 02, 2006

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