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Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Willy Haenggi

Photoshop Toolbox #2 Course

Hi Jim,
In december I followed a very exciting online-course by Lewis Kemper: Photoshop Toolbox #1. At that time he adressed that there will be (eagerly awaited by most of the students of that class) a continuation in spring 2004. Seeing the new schedule I am quite disappointed not finding this class! what happened? will there ever be a continuation?
Yours sincerely,

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January 26, 2004 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
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  Hi Willy,
Yes, Lewis will be teaching the Toolbox #2 course this Spring session. We just need to complete the course information pages and add it to our Course roster. We will have that information up for you soon!

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January 27, 2004


Willy Haenggi
would you please book me for this #" class by Lewis Kepmter.
Thank you very much for your answer
Willy Hänggi

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January 27, 2004

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