BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 


Picture W indow 3.1

Could you possibly offer an on-line course on Picture Window 3.1? I have the software and manual, but am so new to digital photography enhancement that I am having difficulty with some of the concepts... If not, would taking another course really help me in this particular program?

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January 15, 2004


  I have used PWP for 4 years now and the best info is in the "white paper" tutorials on their website.

Also has some really good info.

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March 08, 2004


Duane Carter
  Hi Marilyn, I use PW 3.1 and would be willing to try to help you via e-mail.
You should be able to open an electronic manual from the help menu, that has very good tutoriols in it. As Jim said there site has good info. I'm not sure how helpful I could be, but my gallery has a place were you can contact me.

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July 03, 2004

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