BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Evangeline c. Richards

photography courses

I just got a nikon d70s and am wanting to take a photography course I am looking at the new york institute of photography. do any of you know if it's worth the money or know a better course. I don't care if it's correspondence or online thanks

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September 02, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You might want to check out the courses here. I have never taken one but I can attest to the fact that the teachers are great photographers and very knowledgeable about their craft.

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September 02, 2005


Kelly R. Theobald
  Hello! I've also taken clases here on betterphoto and learned a great deal. The thing I liked better about the betterphoto classes is the ease of communication and talking directly with the instructor. The NYIP is still using cassette tapes for the instructors talking to you and very limited through the web.

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September 02, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Evangeline,
Congrats on your new purchase! If you haven't already, take a look at the online courses we offer right here at All are taught by working professionals who are well-published and experienced instructors. We have classes for all skill levels.

In fact, one new class is one you might be interested in - Using Your Digital SLR - and it is taught by George Schaub, the editor of Shutterbug Magazine!

Check out our entire lineup at:
BetterPhoto Online Photo Courses


Kerry Drager

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September 02, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Thought I would add one more plug here for BP. The kind folks here offer this FREE forum and a FREE gallery, so why don't you patronize them? If you ever read Shutterbug magazine, you will find many articles written by these folks. They really know their stuff.

Kerry (not Drager, he's a lot better photographer than I am! LOL)

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September 02, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Kerry,
Thanks for the nice plug for BetterPhoto!!! And, by the way, nice name you got going there!! :-)

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September 02, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Thanks! LOL

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September 02, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Kelly,
Along with Kerry, thanks to you too for jumping in with a fine endorsement of BP's online courses ... much appreciated!

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September 02, 2005

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  I've taken 4 classes here at BP. I've learned, and, I think, improved tremendously. You have immediate access to the instructors via email and they are quite prompt (within a day usually) about answering any questions you might have. BP classes are a classroom type setting via email and the classes I've taken the students are usually chattering back and forth (via email) about what they like/dislike/could improve with each other's photos. BP is the next best thing to eyeball to eyeball instruction that I've found.....:-)
I've also made several friends that I still keep in contact with after school...:-)
Hope this helps.

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September 02, 2005


Evangeline c. Richards
  thank you guys for the info. I'll look at some of the coarses her a BP

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September 02, 2005


Irene Troy
  Hi Evangeline and welcome to BP! I can see that you have already had some great responses to your questions, but I would like to add my five cents (adjusted for inflation from 2-cents!).

About a year ago I decided that it was time for me to get serious about improving my photography. I looked at the NYIP course and while I have heard many people say that it is wonderful for them, it did not seem a good fit for me. Anyway, I am finishing up my 3rd BP class and I am extremely impressed by the instructors here. For me, the #1 advantage of this type format is the ready availability of expert help from both instructors and other BP forum members. I can post either a question or an image and receive feedback and response often within a couple of hours. While I have learned much from the instructors, I have also learned a great deal from other students. It is wonderful to be able to view images posted by fellow students, to read critiques, to share problems and ideas and to know that whatever problem you may be encountering, someone else has most likely dealt with that problem before. It is that sense of not being alone trying to figure out an assignment or a particular shooting situation that I find so helpful. There is a true sense of community on this site (as you can see by reading the postings on these forums) and I have found both the other students and the members of this site a rich source of information, creativity and challenge. It is also great to see how everyone’s skill in photography develops. Personally, I have seen my own photography improve fairly dramatically over the past year. I am more confident which makes me more creative.

Consider this idea: perhaps there is no reason why you must make an either/or decision at this point. If this is the case, you might consider taking a BP class this fall and seeing if this is a good fit for you. Whatever your decision, I hope that you keep coming back here and that you post some of your images so that we can all see your progress. Good luck!

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September 05, 2005

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