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Selling at Art Shows

I am considering looking into having a booth trying to sell my work at small, local Art Shows. What successes or horror stories can anyone share with me about their own efforts with this?

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August 17, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  I have been exhibiting and selling at juried Arts & Crafts shows for 15 years. I am a member of a wonderful forum in Yahoo especially for art show photographers. There are lots of new postings everyday, and the gamut of members runs from absolute newbies to veteran exhibitors. All are welcome. The topics relate to anything at all pertaining to art show photography - business, equipment, show reports, etc. A great place for anyone wanting information on starting out. Here's the link -

If you have any problems, contact the forum's owner, Larry Berman. His email is

Hope to see you posting there real soon, and perhaps even setting up a show.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 19, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Scott, let me give you some starting-up info.
You are wise to stay local at first. To do this full speed requires a large financial investment. You need a good 10x10 tent, walls and browsing bins, plus various sundries in order to "open" your booth to business. In addition, you need to have a fully stocked booth - browsing prints, normally mounted and matted, in 2-3 different sizes, plus enough framed images to hang on your walls. This is all pretty much standard operating procedure, although you will always find some variations.

You CAN start out with much less. The tent is the first big issue - you'll need a show that can either rent you a tent, or that has a large "community" tent that holds several exhibitors. Also, you can pick shows that are totally indoors.
Your display can be pretty much jimmy-rigged for the time being. Just be sure it looks as decent as possible. More "professional" looking walls and displays can be purchased once you have decided to jump off the deep end.

You don't need to overdo the amount of stock you have, but don't underdo it either. Experience is the only key to knowing what to bring, and how much of each to bring.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 19, 2005


joe baker
  Hi Scott,
I've been selling at art shows and other venues for a long time and here are a few things that I have learned:
- Pictures that sell best: Landscapes and seascapes; also pets or animals (especially cats and horses); abstracts have a good following. Flowers sell but very limited. Pictures of bugs you can't give away. I sell at art shows, I have pictures in some resturants, which do well, I have an "in" with my sister who is a south Florida interior decorator. Try your local cultural society - I have done a private exhibit with them, and sold well. You need to have at least 30 images framed and matted in a few differant sizes.

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October 01, 2005

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