BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Judith van Cuijck


I have just bought a Canon EOS 300D . I would like to know if there is an online course which teaches everything you need to know about this camera.

Thanks and regards,

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August 08, 2005


Jon Close
  Any of several online general photography courses will tell you what you need to learn about exposure, shutter, aperture, flash, and composition.

The Canon Digital Learning Center has a tutorials that are specific to the Digital Rebel (same model as the 300D).

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August 08, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Judith,
Thanks for your question! BetterPhoto is offering a new course for fall. Although not specific to the 300D, the class covers all of the main features that apply to the 300D and other D-SLRs:
Using Your Digital SLR

Thanks for your interest, Judith!

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August 08, 2005

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