BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

anita gooden

getting campus square

Thanks,I now can bring up the course,but now I am having trouble getting to campus square.I am sorry I am having so darn much trouble.

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July 06, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi again Anita,
Thanks for the followup. Actually, I think you have already gotten into your Campus Square ... but didn't know it :-) That's because there has been a recent total re-design of Campus Square - so previous students just might not recognize it!

To review: In your Member Center, click on the link for your current class. That will put you into the new Campus Square, which consists of two lines of titles. The top row consists of Lessons, Photos, Critiques, and Q&A on the top line. On the bottom line: Lounge, Library, Quiz Center, and Campus Store. All of those headers/titles are links ... just click on each one of them and you'll see how the new Campus Square works!

Hope this helps, Anita, but let me know if you have further questions!


Kerry Drager

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July 06, 2005

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