BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Susan Bohanon

Learning from a Book vs a Class

Can anyone suggest a good book to learning photography techniques from?
As much as I would like to take an online course my budget won't support it. I've checked out the BP on line classes and $267 is still out of my price range.

Thank you!

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March 10, 2005


Mike Carpenter
  Understanding exposure by Bryan F. Peterson is a very good book. Lots of info and lots of pic's.

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March 10, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Susan,
An excellent suggestion from Mike! "Understanding Exposure," and other books by BetterPhoto instructors, are described at the BP store:
Hope this helps, Susan!

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March 10, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  There are so many great books out there- many of them for sale right here at BP. But if your budget is even tighter, jot down the names of some of the authors here and then head to your local library! I know someone who has read all of Jim Zuckerman's books without spending a dime! He's great also! I loved Learning to See Creatively also!

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March 12, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
Robert Hambley's Gallery

I have taken a couple of classes here at BP and plan to take a couple more.

Books are also a great way, if you are the type that learns easily from books.

Another suggestion, esp. for the cash strapped, look for a local camera club. They generally have meetings once or twice a month, and can offer advice, input and help.

Good Luck!

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March 15, 2005

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