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Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Still using film and scanning images?

I still shoot with film, and am concerned that my scanning skills will impact my submission for classes. What quaility are others scanning at. I know for web use you do not have to scan at a high quality. Do the instructors view the submitted pictures on line or do they print them to review them?

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March 01, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Herculano,
Thanks for your interest in BetterPhoto courses! Yes, instructors view the submitted pictures online - we do not print them for review.

Incidentally, I also shoot with film, and I have my slides scanned at 72 dpi. For size, here's BetterPhoto's recommendation: TIFF, JPEG, Bitmap, or Ping images at no more than 500 pixels on the short dimension - e.g. 500 (w) x about 750 (h) for a vertical image or about 750 (w) x 500 (h) for a horizontal image.

I hope this answers your question, Herculano ... if not, please follow-up!
Best regards,

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March 02, 2005


  I am still using film and scan my negatives. I always scan with the highest resolution, enhance the image and save it. If I want to display on my PC or put it out onto the net, I will make a COPY of the image and resize only the copy. I can also print it out, backup, etc. with only one scan. Hope this helps.

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March 03, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Andy,
Thanks for jumping in and adding your valuable input!

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March 03, 2005

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