BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

lyn winans

Too many uploads

Why is it that after all this time there are still people uploading multiple photos per day ?? I thought that this problem was solved. On slow speed it takes ages to get past these multiple listings. Is there not a memo that goes to people when they initially register? Geez, I can't remember ;>)

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July 14, 2004


Ron Goldman
  Hi Lyn. Are you talking about loading images into the contest? I thought they made it so only one per day per person was able to go into the contest. As far as uploading for classes or the QnA, you can upload as many images as necessary but they don't go into the contest. I know that I posted 14 for my class assignment that was due today and many of the students were posting more than that.
I think all of the images go into the "incoming" gallery whether they are contest entries or not.

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July 14, 2004


lyn winans
  You are right Ron, I was probably looking in the wrong section, there were several by the same photographer where I was. In the contest section it doesn't seem to be the case .... only an occasional duplicate. Thanx

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July 14, 2004


Michael Brown
  It was 2 or 3 days ago I clicked on the contest to see what was new, only to be greeted by 6 thumbnails that were all the same and in the same category.
So, I don't know if it is really working or not!

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July 14, 2004


Ron Goldman
  I really thought the number of contest entries would decrease with only being able to submit one image but it looks like it's still going to be between 14000 and 15000 entries this month. The only thing I can figure is that more and more people are finding this site every month and entering the contest. Just think what the numbers would be if people were still putting a dozen a day in the contest area! At some point, I'm sure there will be a change because of the amount of time it takes for them to go through this many images each month. Tomorrow is the 15th and I have a feeling the finalists are still quite a way from being announced! I do not envy the judges and the amount of time they spend on the contest must be a full time job for several people. Having watched this site grow over the year and a half that I have belonged to it has really been something. I give Jim and all the staff a giant thank you for their hard work. When I go back and look at my images prior to joining this site and taking classes, I realize that I owe them a lot! I am glad that they are still letting us post an image a day into the contest, but if that number decreases some day, I'll still enter as many as I can and learn how to better self edit my work.

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July 14, 2004


lyn winans
  14-15000 eh? I stopped uploading because of the 10 limit, obviously I must have been the only person in the world unaware that it had been returned to 1/day ;>)

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July 15, 2004


Ron Goldman
  Well... it's only the 15th so you have plenty of time to get lots more in!

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July 15, 2004


Chuck Freeman
  Some of us are still learning-no harm intended if multiple images occurr. Just delete

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July 18, 2004


Chuck Freeman
  Some of us are still learning-no harm intended if multiple images occurr. Just delete

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July 18, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Even though we're allowed to post every day, we should still try to self-critique our photos and submit less than 1 per day when possible. Not only does this create less entries and increase our chances of getting noticed, but only our BEST WORK each month has to be judged.

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July 18, 2004

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