BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 
- Bonnie C. Lackey

BetterPhoto Member
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What category does this picture belong in?

I looked carefully at the new categories for the contest and still couldn't choose with any confidence which one this photo belongs in. This is when "Still Life" would have been appropriate although I realize you are attempting to be more specific. Your guidance would be most appreciated. Thanks!

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July 12, 2004 - Sharon E. Lowe

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Sharon E. Lowe

Bonnie - I'm running into the same problem with several images I would like to enter. Jim, if you're listening, I think the new categories are good, but there seems to be something missing such as still life or a general category. Here's one of mine I would like to enter but it doesn't seem to fit anywhere.

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July 14, 2004

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