BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Joy Brown

New Contest Rules???

Dear Jim,

I have been a BP member for 3 years now as well as a deluxe website owner. I have always enjoyed my experience with this site and must say I am (as I think the majority of the BP'ers are) quite disappointed in the new contest rules. For the past 3 years (as have most of the "regulars") I have supported this site. I cannot believe how BP has grown in this time both in the number of entries as well as the number of classes now being offered. That is definitely how your site makes money - totally with our support. I'm hoping you will re-think the changes you have made and support us in return by at least changing the number of entries to 15 a month...or, even better, have a separate contest for all of us who have invested our time and money in our galleries and websites, i.e., a contest that you can NOT enter unless you DO have a gallery or website. I think we are definitely the more serious photographers and would all appreciate your support in this endeavor.

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July 02, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Interesting comment Joy. At first it doesn't seem like a bad idea, but if I had to have a gallery or website before entering my first picture I would never have participated... It was only a month or so before I decided I had to have a gallery. Just my 2 cents...

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July 02, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  I don't think that seperating contest entrants would help much. I like the anonimity of the judging process the way it is, where anyone can capture a rare moment or come up with a unique idea that catches the judges' eyes and become a winner.
I also agree that 10 entries per month is a bit severe, but it IS a step in the right direction. (I have been a BP member for about a year, and the number of entrants each month has tripled since then!) The consensus seems to indicate that 15 is the "magic number" that all could learn to live with. This small adjustment might be all that's required to keep everyone happy with the new format.
I like the new categories...especially the Theme Category, because it forces us to think creatively instead of just shooting something because it looks nice. We will be seeing some great work emerge from this category!

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July 03, 2004


Michael Brown
  As I have mentioned once before in another thread, cutting this down to 10-15 for each member will get each entrant to "self critique" their work and to be a little more critical before sending it in.
Self critiquing ones own work is something that everyone should learn to do if they truly would like to advance to being a better photographer. It is a very important step!



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July 03, 2004


Matthew Ray Converse
  Mike I think you hit it right on the button. Although I loved sending in a picture every day. I sometimes found myself questioning whether I should enter a picture or not. Alot of times I would just enter the photo to see what other peoples reaction would be to it. Now, I think that I will critique my work more before entering it in the contest.
Jim, one option that might help the people who have invested time and money into this website is try to come up with a contest for the members who have Websites and or Gallerys. This is my opinion because I think that we are the people who help keep this site going. Thank you, Matthew

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July 03, 2004 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Please see my (long) response at this other Q&A thread.


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July 03, 2004

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