BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Michael Brown

Category Confusion

There seems to be some confusion on which category to submit certain images.
A couple of individuals have asked "me", (why, I don't know), as to which category would a person submit a abstract image of a flower?
Reading the new category guidlines still leaves this wide open!

This shot here, is in the "Elements Of Design" category.

It is a abstract image of a flower, but you also have abstract images of flowers and foliage in the "Flower" category, and abstracts in the "Details & Macro" category.

So, how would one know which would be the best category to submit abstract images of a flower? So happens to be what I personally shoot the most of, so it is a good question?

Thanks for the help gang,

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July 02, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Great question Michael. Looking forward to hearing the answer.

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July 02, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  I checked out the photo and it could easily fit into all three categories.
The soft focus effect you applied creates texture and evokes a dream-like state.
For that reason, I think "Elements of Design" is the best choice.

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July 03, 2004


Terry R. Hatfield
  Hi Everyone! Hi Mike The Reason That Image Of Yours Is In The Elements Of Design Cat Is That When You Uploaded The Image That Cat Didnt Exist It Was Put In The Old Graphics Details And Flowers Cat Mine Is In Their To For That Day (Thursday)Thats When The Cats Changed The Drop Down Box Didnt List The New Cats Yet!!I Inquired To Heather Young About It Your Image Is The 1st One Every In That Cat She Cant Change The Cat Herself But Jim Is Supposed To When They Are Judged Is What I Was Told Mine Should have Been In The Flower Cat Yours Appears To Should Have Been In The Macro Cat As It Has No Chance To Be In The Elements Of Design Cat (My Opinion) As Mine Has No Chance In That Cat Also Thats Why We Have New Cats Bob A Ton Of Great Flower Images Get Tossed Because Of The Old Mixed Cat I Would Make Them Aware Of It Mike If You Wanted It To Be In Another Cat It Cant Hurt:-)

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July 03, 2004


Michael Brown
  Thanks for the responses everyone.

I checked with Heather, and she stated after a bried explanation on what happened, and that this shot would go into the "flower" category or even the "details/macro" category.


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July 03, 2004

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