BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Night Photography Tip

Photography Question 

Steve McCroskey

How to Choose Film Speed

I have the opportunity to take photos at several holiday activities this fall. They will be held at night. How would I choose a film that will accommodate night-time work with little or no flash - only available street light and ambient light?

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July 27, 2004


  I would use TMAX 3200, if you cannot, or don't want to, use flash. It will be grainy, but I like that look. Many people do not, however.

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July 27, 2004


Christiane Spadoni
  I always refer to the Kodak Existing Light table for tricking situations.

more important than the film will be your lens. If you'll have better results with the 50mm f.1.8 than a telephoto with 4-5.6


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August 03, 2004

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