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Photography Question 

Christopher A. Walrath

Revised Christopher A. Walrath Photography

Hi, all. I just redid my website and I wanna get some folks to check it for functionality, grammar, ease of use, etc. Would some of you mind checking it out and getting back to me on this thread or emailing me and let me know? All help is appreciated.

Thank you.
Keep on rollin'

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January 22, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Hey !
I took a very quick look just now and want to get back to it later. It's nicely put together, good shots, nice work. One small problem I noticed on my monitor is that the far left edge of the home page has a small letter "t" to the left of the heading. Maybe indent everything a bit so as to not crowd the left hand margin??

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January 22, 2008


Todd Bennett
  Hey Chris,

Looks good. Loads really fast which is good. Easy to navigate. The only things I see, like Mark said, the nav menu needs to be pulled off the edge of the page slightly so as not to crowd the left side. And the "This website is authored and maintained by............." needs to be centered. It makes the page look off balance.

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January 23, 2008


John Rhodes
  Chris, I'll assume you want us to point out areas that need improvement rather than just tell you how great everything looks:
The text in the articles, and elsewhere on your site, is very hard to read as the line spacing is too close. Times New Roman is a hard text to read unless enlarged.


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January 23, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Thanks guys, just what I wanna know. The text is actually Georgia but I've been getting the same remarks elsewhere so I might reconsider the font. Keep it comin', guys. Thank you again.

Keep it rollin'

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January 23, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  "Georgia"? Georgia who. [Is she back in town...] ;>))

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January 23, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Drole, Mark. Hey, just figured out the 'T' thingy. I used MS Wingdings3 and if you guys aren't so equipped, you see a T for the image that is there. So, I'm gonna change that as well as some other things pointed out by APUG buddies and family members. Got a lot of great feedback. I'll let you know when CAWP Reloaded hits the screens.

Keep on rollin'

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January 24, 2008

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