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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Jennifer H. White

BP Newsletters

I recently signed up for the newsletters to be sent to a gmail account. I received the first email for each of them saying that I would start getting the newsletters soon. After that I never received any newsletters. Does anyone else use gmail and have this problem?

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January 04, 2008


Nobu Nagase
Have you checked "Spam" folder?
The Newsletters may be thrown into that folder.
If so, add BP Newsletter address to your "Contacts".

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January 04, 2008


Jennifer H. White
  Yeah, I checked my spam folder. There was nothing there. I do get other notifications from betterphoto. I got one just now when you responded to my question.

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January 04, 2008


Nobu Nagase
OK, that was the first step in trouble shooting...

Ii don't think it's Gmail thing. I have a couple of Gmail account but I do not use them for BP Newsletters.

Every now and then other people have the same problems as yours (did in the past)..., wait and see if other people may come forward with some info as well.
In the meantime, you may also email to BP by "Contact" button below and inquire.

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January 04, 2008


Jennifer H. White
  Thanks for your help.

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January 04, 2008


Jack L. Howdeshell
  I had the same problem with my gmail account. It bounced them back and didn't leave and trace that they had ever been sent. Heather directed me to put the email address from betterphoto in my list of contacts and the problem was solved. I think I used the email address that I recieved on the original email message. Heather can provide further help if this dosen't work for you, she will email you right back with a fix. Contact her thru the "contact us" link here on the site.


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January 23, 2008

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