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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to develop photography

I want to learn how to develop black and white prints from a 35mm camera. Because I just graduated from college I dont have alot of money to begin this hobby, therefore I need some thrifty solutions. I would like to know everything begining with what happens in a dark room to what to buy to how do I turn a negative into an actual black and white picture. If you have the answers I would surely appreciate it....if not, do you have any resources that I can use in order to learn this dream of mine?

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September 13, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
You are asking a tall question there! There are lots of books that will describe the whole dark room experience. You could probably find lots of info at your local library.
You say that you just graduated from college. Does the college offer any photography classes?We have a local community college here, they have a full darkroom and provide all the chemicals. All I have to provide is film and paper. So, check around, community colleges, trade schools, even check with the community development area, they may have a dark room for you to use and learn.

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September 13, 2004


Shauna Linde
  I think Rhonda's response was right on- Community colleges often have classes in Photography where you get to learn how to do everything and use all of their equipment as well. That's probably the easiest way to learn everything.

Unfortunately, putting together your own darkroom and developing prints yourself isn't the least expensive hobby to have. I just got myself all set up with a darkroom, and I don't even have a specific "room" for all my stuff, I just set it all up in my garage when I want to work on it. It took me a while to figure out the easiest way to make it "portable", but it works! I'm still ironing out all the kinks, but the chemicals to develop the film/paper and the paper itself is not very cheap. You can look on the websites of photo supply companies to get comparisons and see if they are in your price range( is a good one). Hope that helps!

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September 13, 2004

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