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Photography Question 
- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
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I have noticed several photos with flying birds in the distance. Since the same birds appear in other photos, they must have been added. Is there a plug in or a template that can be downloaded to add the birds to photos? Thanks,

Harriet Feagin

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January 17, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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  NW Visitors 2007 Laminate
NW Visitors 2007 Laminate
Photoshop Layers

Carlton Ward

Hello Harriet,
I am guessing at the type of image you are asking about but it is easy to copy/paste birds or anything else onto an image. I use Photoshop and for something like this I would use layers to add them to an image. I believe Elements can do this as well. What kind of editing software do you use ?
Being able to edit & enhance images is fun and essential for digital photography. There are several courses for Photoshop and I have taken a few from Jim Zuckerman (Creative Photoshop), Jon Canfield (Camera Raw), & Lewis Kempers Toolbox classes.
Some people believe in minimal editing and prefer images captured as they shot them while most like the creative aspect of using editing tools. Ansel Adams was a darkroom master and spent long hours & even days/weeks working on a single image as his opinion was that a captured image is not a photograph until you see the print. Photoshop is the Digital Darkroom and the editing tools were designed by film photographers.
I too love an image that is exposed and composed so perfectly that all I have to do is save my raw file to a tif/jpg and then print it BUT I also love creating and using different software and filters to create my art in different ways.
I believe you are new here at BP and I dont know what level you are at but I used to take 2 classes at the same time when I started at BP with one class being about exposure/composition/shooting techniques and the other for Photoshop as I feel you need to master both aspects to have complete creative control. Lewis Kempers toolbox classes are very thorough and he will take you through the paces and you will learn more than you ever thought you ever know about Photoshop. Jims classes are more geared for the expressive & creative side and he too will teach you so many ways of creating art with your photos. I also took a Corel painter class from Jim (that one was so fun).
Taking these classes enhanced my learning curve very quickly and I have enjoyed the journey and love my improved abilities even more.
Hope this helps.

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January 17, 2012

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