Photo Discussion
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Lost In Thought... Photo Contest Finalist   Lost In Thought...
Lost In Thought...
My granddaughter Winter. Taken while out on a walk. Canon Rebel 2000, TCN400 film, auto settings.

Karen Kane


Glenn Theal

This photo is nearly perfect. I just find it stunning!

The little girl is just beautiful and the composition is classic.

Excellent job, Karen!


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September 14, 2001


Colleen M. Walsh
  I agree. The little girl is beautiful. Composition is great. The black and white really adds to the emotion it invokes and the light on her face is just right. She looks like a little angel.


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September 15, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  Ditto! I love this shot! Did you use a reflector for her face or was she just in the right spot? She doesn't really look posed but I assume she is. I have 2 yound children that I use for models a lot & I'm trying to teach them to pose but not look it. You granddaughter looks perfect. Great pic!

Lori J

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September 17, 2001


Karen Kane
  Thank you all for your nice comments! reflector, this was taken in the late afternoon/slightly overcast so she was able to look towards the sun without squinting. I'd asked her if the sun was going down yet so she'd look in that direction. helps to just ask a few questions or even ask them to sing, they'll forget they're getting their picture taken so you can "catch" that special/natural look :)


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September 17, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  Thanks for your reply. I'll keep practicing!


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September 17, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  I really love this picture! Have you been doing this long? great job in capturing a perfect moment.
Any more pics to share with us?


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October 04, 2001


Karen Kane
  Thanks you Lidia. I've been a photographer only about a year and a half. I started out handcoloring other peoples b&w photos and decided to learn to take the photos myself. I took the plunge and started my own photo business just a couple of months ago. If you would like to look at my website it is:

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October 05, 2001


Glenn Theal
  Why this did not place is simply mind blowing.


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October 05, 2001

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