Photo Discussion
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Buzz is the owner of the Rattlesnake Museum in Ft. Davis, Texas

Terry Cockerham


BetterPhoto Member

Hi Terry
I feel that this photo would look better if it was croped just below Buzz's tee shirt picture so that the dark area behind Buzzis also removed. That way the viewers eyes won't be drawn to the dark doorway and Buzz's head will be on an intersecting third of the photo.
Kindest regards

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November 23, 2001


Terry Cockerham

I truely appreciate your comments Jocelyn but I disagree. There are several things working here. First, all of the parallel lines that compose rooftop, doorway top, window and paint line on the bottom "point" to Buzz and tend to draw the eye of the viewer from left to right (just like we read) straight to Buzz. Next the low angle makes Buzz larger than life (and believe me if nothing else is true about this photo, he is larger than life) and places him in a position of greater importance to the shop that he operates. Finally, the dark doorway and windows are significant in that the creatures contained therein are found in such dark places (the kind of places we don't want to reach into without looking into first). However, having said all this, interpretation of all art is a subjective process and the rules are meant to be broken. Everyone will see something different and that is what makes it interesting. My only regret about this photo is that I didn't move Buzz slightly more to the right therby exposing the entire name of the shop and at a slightly steeper angle making him even more dominate.


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November 23, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  I have thought over your responce and agree interpretation is subjective. So I hope you dont mind if keep mine

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November 24, 2001


Terry Cockerham

Of course I don't mind. Exchanging ideas and concepts is what this is all about.

Good Luck

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November 24, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Terry. I hope you don't mind, I down loaded your photo to see exactly what croping it would look like. But the resolution was too low and Buzz's face was to indistinct to see it clearly so therefore not cropping was the better option. Hope to see more of your photos on line
Bye Jocelyn

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November 25, 2001


Terry Cockerham

If you would like I would be happy to email you a jpg that is larger and you could experiment with it (the photo could not be used for anything other than this experiment of course).

I do have some other photos on (in fact I uploaded a new one last night - a children's playground). I have a studio portrait in the individual studio section, a photo of ruined buildings in the landscape section, and another set of old buildings buried in the new arrivals section.

What about you? do you have any photos posted?


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November 25, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Terry
I would love a copy of Buzz thanks to experiment with. My Email address is
As yet I don't have any pics on line but I hope to today. I have a couple I want to add to the contest and seeing as today and tomorrow are my days off I will post one each day. If you send me your picture I send the two I'm uploading.

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November 25, 2001

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