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HELP #5 Editor's Pick  
Drowning doll. The theme of water keeps making my mind think about where I live. I live in São Paulo, one of the biggest cities in the world, and the city has one of the most polluted rivers in the world - Tietê. I decided to make a series of ten images, that are not "beautiful" in fact but are the reality where I live, I don't intend to receive any prize with them, but I think it is important to show and ask for HELP(To our politicians and governors). I will try to bring some "artistic beauty" from the pollution, but sometimes it is not possible, it is real.

Adilson F. Ferreira - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Tammy M. Anderson
Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery

I looked up this river and so sad to see its gotten in this condition. Looks like it was a beautiful river at one time. Seen pictures where it talks and shows toxic foam. I certainly hope your storytelling pictures gets noticed by the right people. Fantastic capture, Adilson.

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July 09, 2020 - Elias A. Tyligadas

Contact Elias A. Tyligadas
Elias A. Tyligadas's Gallery
  It is so dissapointing to experience such violations on the beauty of our lonely planet, Adilson! And it seems that humans are mostly responsible for these. Your great photos are projected noticeably the pollution of the river. We hope soon the right people will react efficiently in solving this problem! You are doing great work Adilson!

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July 09, 2020

- Janet Criswell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Janet Criswell
Janet Criswell's Gallery
  Such sad images, Adilson.

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July 09, 2020

- Gail Sullivan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gail Sullivan
Gail Sullivan's Gallery
  Adilson...a sign of hope perhaps with the blue sky reflection!

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July 09, 2020

- Leslie McLain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie McLain
Leslie McLain's Gallery
  A terrific and informative series of images, Adilson.

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July 09, 2020 - Karen E. Michaels

Contact Karen E. Michaels
Karen E. Michaels's Gallery
  Very stark and emotional piece, Adilson. Doll half under water is a dark reminder what happens to us if we stay on our same path.

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July 10, 2020

- Rudi Reiner

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rudi Reiner
Rudi Reiner's Gallery
  Very well captured, really sends a message!

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July 10, 2020

- Nancy L. Green

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nancy L. Green
Nancy L. Green's Gallery
  Another powerful image Adilson, hopefully this will raise some awareness!! <<

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July 11, 2020

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