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Got a nut!
Got a nut!

Micky Cleveland

- Bob D. Hall

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob D. Hall
Bob D. Hall's Gallery

Great catch Micky!! You caught this Bluebird wit perfect stop action!

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June 06, 2020 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  This is outstanding Micky!

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June 06, 2020

- Micky Cleveland

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Micky Cleveland
Micky Cleveland's Gallery
  Thanks Bob & Jeff, the Blue jay I find to be hard capture due to there change in pattern! Most birds I see come and go in the same direction.

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June 06, 2020 - Terry Korpela

Contact Terry Korpela
Terry Korpela's Gallery
  Nicely Done Micky!

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June 07, 2020

- Micky Cleveland

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Micky Cleveland
Micky Cleveland's Gallery
  Thanks Terry!

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June 07, 2020

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